Monday, January 17th

No photo today; just words.  I tried to take a photo of my yoga class this evening, but I couldn’t find the right time before or after class to take a picture.  A journal of my 31st year wouldn’t seem complete, however, without some mention of my yoga practice.  I’m so happy to have rediscovered my joy for it this past year.  I found an excellent teacher — my absolute favorite in 10 years of on-and-off practicing — and as luck would have it, found an apartment last spring right above her yoga studio.  The confluence of convenience and solid guidance and instruction has made my yoga practice  more consistent and enjoyable than it’s ever been.

As I took the wrapper off my brand new yoga mat this evening, I found the following quote printed on the underside of the wrapper:  The pursuit of happiness is the source of all unhappiness.  A thought to chew on as I close out my 31st year and usher in my 32nd.

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